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The Trouble with ‘National’ Theatre

"Olivier, Hall, and Nunn had it easy. Norris has it all to do." As Rufus Norris comes under attack, Fergus Morgan explores the troublesome business of theatre and nation building."


"The story of national theatres has come full circle. They began as exercises in gluing disparate people together, mutated with the demands of globalisation and democratisation to play myriad different societal roles, and are now confronted with the same problem they faced in the first place: shaping and examining a country from a clamorous, discontent, frustrated, tribal population. Lending a hand in fashioning a Britain at ease with its diverse, 21st century identity, in telling a story that engages us all, whichever way we voted, whatever our politics. And that’s an entirely new prospect. Olivier, Hall, Eyre, Nunn and Hytner had it easy. Norris has it all to do."

Please follow the link to read the full article on Exeunt Magazine's website:

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