Invisible Diaries: Introduction

As a response to the damage the Covid-19 pandemic has caused in the theatre world, the Dramaturgs’ Network has launched a new project: Invisible Diaries, an online journal, written by dramaturgs.
Starting on 7 April 2020, for twelve weeks, every week a different dramaturg will write a journal for seven days, which is then published daily on the Dramaturgs’ Network’s website’s Blog.
The aim is to give a platform to dramaturgs, ‘the invisible people of the theatre-making process’, so the wider public can discover the people behind the role, and perhaps learn more about dramaturgy, whilst finding out how these theatre professionals are coping during the period of the pandemic in the UK and beyond.
With many theatre jobs affected by the closure of theatres and cancellations of projects, we hope that sharing these people’s thoughts with the wider public, these highly skilled theatre professionals – who can be invaluable when thinking about the larger picture (curating and macro-dramaturgy), and indispensable when keeping an eye on the details (micro-dramaturgy) – won’t be forgotten when we emerge from the quarantine and will try to rebuild the theatre scene.
Week 1: Duška Radosavljević
Week 2: Katalin Trencsényi
Week 3: Kara McKechnie
Week 4: David Geary
Week 5: Miranda Laurence
Week 6: Martine Kei Green-Rogers
Week 7: Bernadette Cochrane
Week 8: M.J. Chung
Week 9: LIM How Ngean
Week 10: Yasmin Zacaria Mikhaiel
Week 11: Sarah Sigal
Week 12: Guy Cools
The Invisible Diaries project is curated by Katalin Trencsényi.
Editors: Sarah Sigal, Miranda Laurence, Tommo Fowler,
and Katalin Trencsényi.
The Blog is managed by Tommo Fowler.